I had the most amazing time. Our first stop was in Italy. Roma, Italia. We stayed in convents all over Italy (the only way to stay in Italy in my opinion). Despite being there during rainy season we had the most beautiful spring weather. Not a drop of rain, just sunshine to welcome us each morning. We ate the most delicious food (Italians know how to do pizza, pasta and gelato oh so well) and saw so many of the famous places (The Vatican, St. Peters, The Colosseum..etc) and things (The Pieta, The Sistine Chapel..etc) that I'd always dreamed about seeing in person.
It was such a busy week in Rome that when Sunday came I hardly remembered that it was Easter Sunday. We had to get on a bus to get to Pisa that morning but the sweet nuns in the convent we stayed at allowed us to use their chapel to have a short sacrament meeting. I remember two things about that meeting: The spirit was overwhelming and could not be ignored and we sang, He is Risen. Just as we started singing the words, "He is Risen, He is Risen, Tell it out with joyful voice!" the bells started to ring all across Rome. To me it seemed so loud as if the whole world was celebrating the risen Lord. It was a powerful experience and my testimony was strengthened of Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter all you wonderful Vegi Tree readers! I hope you find the comfort, peace, health, healing and happiness that you may be seeking.
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