Mormon Moms for Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Cooking!

This blog is intended to be a support for anyone who desires to make the vegetarian, vegan {and or} raw food diet change. Whether you want to drastically change to a completely raw diet or just add a few more vegetarian meals to your weekly menu, we are here for you! It doesn't matter who you are or why you want to make the change. We want to share our love, support, tips, testimonies and - recipes - to make your life easier, happier and healthier!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tofu vs. Seitan

For Burgess' graduation dinner we all went to Horizons - a vegan restaurant in Philly. It was UH.MAZ.ING!!! Everything was so flavorful, so filling, so healthy and SO SO SO DELICIOUS! Burgess ordered Grilled Seitan and we ordered Freddy BBQ Seitan. Of course I ended up eating off of both of their plates because I couldn't get enough of those meaty seitan bites!

I've been craving it ever since. I've never cooked with Seitan so I've been doing a little bit of research on it and found this great article on this awesome vegan blog.

Have any of our readers cooked with seitan? I'd love to hear about it? I'd love any tips or advice you can offer. Speak up!!!

1 comment:

queenann said...

You are in the philly area! Wow, so am I!

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